Benefits of Ghusl (Ritual Bath)

The Ritual Bath (Ghusl) purifies us spiritually

According to our religion, the conditions that require taking ghusl bath are due to spiritual impurity (al-Hadath). Unless we get cleansed from impurities by taking ghusl, we cannot perform certain acts of worship. Ghusl thus prepares us for worship and sets our minds at rest.

With Ghusl, we gain the divine good pleasure

Ghusl is God’s command to us. By obeying this command, we fulfill one of the duties of being His subjects and gain His love and good pleasure. By fulfilling God’s command, our heart is at peace. In this respect, ghusl ablution is a spiritual cleansing that provides peace to human beings.

Ghusl makes our body energetic

Our bodies’ contact with the outer world is through our skin. For this reason, outside dirt and dust mostly affect our skins. Also, fat and sweat in our bodies exits through fat and sweat glands on our skin. These toxic matters stick onto our skins in time and eventually block the pores on our skin. In this case, the skin would not perform well on its task of helping the lungs breathe. When we take ghusl, our blocked skin pores open up. Our body gets cleansed from impurities and our breathing gets easier. Thus, we feel light and energized. In this respect, ghusl is also a physical cleansing that purifies our body from impurities.

Ghusl protects our physical and psychological health

Contact with water while taking ghusl discharges electricity in our body and regulates blood circulation. It dispels anger and decreases stress. Ghusl ablution is both a spiritual cleansing that protects our mental health, and a material cleansing that protects our physical health. It is an indispensable medicine for both our whole being.

What are the acts that are not considered appropriate in our religion while taking a ritual bath? (While Taking a Ghusl)

  1. To waste water
  2. To face the Qiblah while naked
  3. To speak unnecessarily

Sunnah Acts of Ghusl

  1. To make niyyah (intention)
  2. To say Audhu and Bismillah
  3. To wash hands and private parts initially
  4. To take ablution (wudhu) as for prayer.

Call of Time
