Muhammad Habib Shakir: He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He formed you, then made goodly your forms, and to Him is the ultimate resort.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali: He has created the heavens and the earth in just proportions, and has given you shape, and made your shapes beautiful: and to Him is the final Goal.
M.Pickthall: He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, and unto Him is the journeying.
Amatul Rahmân Omer: He created the heavens and the earth with an eternal purpose and to suit the requirements of truth and wisdom. And He shaped you and made your shapes beautiful, and to Him is the ultimate return.
Maulana Mohammad Ali: Has there not come to you the story of those who disbelieved before, then tasted the evil consequences of their conduct, and they had a painful chastisement?