Surah At Taghabun (Mutual Loss and Gain) Ayat 8

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فَـَٔامِنُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِۦ وَٱلنُّورِ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَنزَلْنَا ۚ وَٱللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ
  • Muhammad Habib Shakir: Therefore believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Light which We have revealed; and Allah is Aware of what you do.
  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali: Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messenger, and in the Light which we have sent down. And Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do.
  • M.Pickthall: So believe in Allah and His messenger and the light which We have revealed. And Allah is Informed of what ye do.
  • Amatul Rahmân Omer: Therefore believe in Allâh and His Messenger and the Light (- the Qur´ân) which We have revealed. And Allâh is Well-Aware of all that you do.
  • Maulana Mohammad Ali: And those who disbelieve and reject Our messages, they are the companions of the Fire, abiding therein; and evil is the resort.
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