Surah Al Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Ayat 9

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ثَانِىَ عِطْفِهِۦ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ ۖ لَهُۥ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا خِزْىٌ ۖ وَنُذِيقُهُۥ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ عَذَابَ ٱلْحَرِيقِ
  • Muhammad Habib Shakir: Turning away haughtily that he may lead (others) astray from the way of Allah; for him is disgrace in this world, and on the day of resurrection We will make him taste the punishment of burning:
  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali: (Disdainfully) bending his side, in order to lead (men) astray from the Path of Allah: for him there is disgrace in this life, and on the Day of Judgment We shall make him taste the Penalty of burning (Fire).
  • M.Pickthall: Turning away in pride to beguile (men) from the way of Allah. For him in this world is ignominy, and on the Day of Resurrection We make him taste the doom of burning.
  • Amatul Rahmân Omer: Turning his side (out of pride) with the result that he leads (some) astray from the path of Allâh. There is for him disgrace in this world and on the Day of Resurrection, We will make him suffer the punishment of burning.
  • Maulana Mohammad Ali: And among men is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge, and without guidance, and without an illuminating Book.
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