Muhammad Habib Shakir: Therefore Allah is sufficient as a witness between us and you that we were quite unaware of your serving (us).
Abdullah Yusuf Ali: "Enough is Allah for a witness between us and you: we certainly knew nothing of your worship of us!"
M.Pickthall: Allah sufficeth as a witness between us and you, that we were unaware of your worship.
Amatul Rahmân Omer: `So (this day) Allâh suffices as a witness between us and you. We were surely quite ignorant of all that you worshipped.´
Maulana Mohammad Ali: And on the day when We gather them all together, then We shall say to those who associated others (with Allah): Keep where you are, you and your associate-gods. Then We shall separate them one from another, and their associates will say: It was not us that you served.