Muhammad Habib Shakir: And enjoin prayer on your followers, and steadily adhere to it; We do not ask you for subsistence; We do give you subsistence, and the (good) end is for guarding (against evil).
Abdullah Yusuf Ali: Enjoin prayer on thy people, and be constant therein. We ask thee not to provide sustenance: We provide it for thee. But the (fruit of) the Hereafter is for righteousness.
M.Pickthall: And enjoin upon thy people worship, and be constant therein. We ask not of thee a provision: We provided for thee. And the sequel is for righteousness.
Amatul Rahmân Omer: And bid your people to Pray and be constant and steadfast therein. We do not ask you to provide sustenance (for Us). It is We who provide sustenance for you. The good future is for guarding against evil.
Maulana Mohammad Ali: And strain not thine eyes toward that with which We have provided different classes of them, (of) the splendour of this world’s life, that We may thereby try them. And the sustenance of thy Lord is better and more abiding.