Muhammad Habib Shakir: And whoever of them should say: Surely I am a god besides Him, such a one do We recompense with hell; thus do, We recompense the unjust.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali: If any of them should say, "I am a god besides Him", such a one We should reward with Hell: thus do We reward those who do wrong.
M.Pickthall: And one of them who should say: Lo! I am a god beside Him, that one We should repay with hell. Thus We Repay wrong-doers.
Amatul Rahmân Omer: Should anyone of them say, `I am a deity apart from Him;´ him We will recompense with Gehenna for that is how We recompense the unjust.
Maulana Mohammad Ali: He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they intercede not except for him whom He approves, and for fear of Him they tremble.