Muhammad Habib Shakir: When two parties from among you had determined that they should show cowardice, and Allah was the guardian of them both, and in Allah should the believers trust.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali: Remember two of your parties Meditated cowardice; but Allah was their protector, and in Allah should the faithful (Ever) put their trust.
M.Pickthall: When two parties of you almost fell away, and Allah was their Protecting Friend. In Allah let believers put their trust.
Amatul Rahmân Omer: When two groups from among you (- the two clans of Banû Hârithah and Banû Salamah) were disposed to show cowardliness. And Allâh was the Protecting friend of them both, and in Allâh the believers should put their trust.
Maulana Mohammad Ali: And when thou didst go forth early in the morning from thy family, to assign to the believers their positions for the battle. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.